acristalamiento de terrazas

¿Quieres disfrutar de la vida al aire libre? Acristalamiento de terrazas: la mejor solución! Descubre cómo mejorar tu terraza con el acristalamiento para disfrutar de la naturaleza sin preocupaciones. ¡Aprovecha ahora!

What we do

Why Choose Us

We are youth organization working for the benefit of children, youth, women and the poor. We are working in the field of Skill Development, Education, Agriculture, Health and Women Empowerment. We believe that every individual has potential to do something better and every individual has right to live with dignity. We are committed to provide quality services to our target groups. To reach our goal we are working in partnership with government and non-governmental organizations. We are also working with the corporate sector and the civil society to support our cause.

We are dedicated to empower the people by providing them with the right skills and knowledge. We are also committed to create awareness among the people about their rights and responsibilities. We believe that only through education and skill development we can help the people to lead a better life. We are also working for the betterment of the community by providing them with the necessary resources. We are working to create a sustainable and inclusive society where everyone can live with dignity and respect.


package com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.ui.activitys;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;

import com.bumptech.glide.Glide;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.R;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.base.SwipeBackActivity;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.model.bean.VideoInfo;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.model.bean.VideoType;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.presenter.VideoInfoPresenter;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.ui.adapter.VideoListAdapter;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.ui.view.VideoInfoView;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.utils.EventUtil;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.utils.StringUtils;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.utils.ToastUtil;
import com.zcy.ghost.vivideo.widget.theme.ColorTextView;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import butterknife.BindView;
import jp.wasabeef.glide.transformations.BlurTransformation;
import rx.functions.Action1;

import static com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions.bitmapTransform;

* Description: VideoListActivity
* Creator: yxc
* date: 2016/9/21 11:51
public class VideoListActivity extends SwipeBackActivity implements VideoInfoView {

int page = 1;
ImageView ivBg;

.View tvName;
TextView tvSummary;
RecyclerView recyclerView;
private VideoType videoType;
private VideoListAdapter adapter;
private List data = new ArrayList();
private VideoInfoPresenter videoInfoPresenter;

protected int getLayout() {
return R.layout.activity_video_list;

protected void initView() {
videoType = (VideoType) getIntent().getSerializableExtra(«VideoType»);
Glide.with(context).load(videoType.bgPicture).apply(bitmapTransform(new BlurTransformation(25, 3))).into(ivBg);
recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false));
adapter = new VideoListAdapter(context, data);
adapter.setOnItemClickListener(new VideoListAdapter.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(View view, int position) {
VideoInfo videoInfo = adapter.getItem(position);
Intent intent = new Intent(VideoListActivity.this, VideoInfoActivity.class);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putSerializable(«videoInfo», videoInfo);

protected void initEvent() {
rxManage.on(EventUtil.LoadMore, new Action1() {
public void call(Object o) {

protected void initData() {


House lawmakers are pushing for the immediate passage of a proposed measure that seeks to provide financial assistance to poor students who are taking college education.

Valenzuela City Rep. Eric Martinez (1st District) said House Bill No. 8205 or the “Student Rights and Welfare Act of 2020 proposes the full and free tuition and other fees for students who belongs to the bottom 30 percent of the country’s population.

It also seeks to provide free textbooks and other learning materials, free internet access and other educational technology, free meals and snacks, free transportation and other necessary subsidies.

Martinez said the proposed measure also seeks to provide the same benefits to students enrolled in vocational and technical education programs.

He said the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority and other concerned agencies are tasked to provide the financial assistance.

“We must make sure that our youth are equipped with the right skills and knowledge to make a difference in our society. We must do our best to provide them with the right access to education in order for them to be competitive in the global market,” Martinez said.

“Educated poor students should not be denied the opportunity to pursue their studies and to reach their full potential,” he added.

Meanwhile, Davao City Rep. Paolo Duterte (1st District) proposed the creation of a National Student Loan Program (NSLP) as an alternative to free college tuition and other fees for poor students.

HB 8206 or the “Student Loan Program Act” seeks to provide loans to students who are not qualified under Republic Act 10931 or the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act.

The NSLP will be implemented by the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) through the joint efforts of various private and public institutions such as the Social Security System (SSS), Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), and other financial institutions.

“It is only right that we provide the youth the means to pursue higher education. By providing the youth with the means to pursue their dreams, the government is investing in their future and the country’s future as well,” Duterte said.


The Eagles are set to face off against the Cowboys in Dallas on Sunday, and the outcome of the game could have major implications for the NFC East.

The Eagles are 7-7 and the Cowboys are 6-8. If the Eagles win, they would move into a tie with the Cowboys at 7-7, while the Cowboys would be eliminated from contention. If the Cowboys win, they would move into a tie with the Eagles, while the Eagles would be eliminated from contention.

For the Eagles, it’s all about winning out and hoping for some help from other teams. A loss to the Cowboys would mean the end of the Eagles’ hopes of making the postseason.

Here are the scenarios in which the Eagles can make the playoffs in 2020.

Scenario 1: The Eagles beat the Cowboys, the Giants lose to or tie the Ravens, and the Washington Football Team loses to or ties the Panthers.

Scenario 2: The Eagles beat the Cowboys, the Giants lose to the Ravens, and the Washington Football Team ties the Panthers.

Scenario 3: The Eagles and Cowboys tie, the Giants lose to the Ravens, and the Washington Football Team ties the Panthers.

Scenario 4: The Eagles and Cowboys tie, the Giants lose to the Ravens, and the Washington Football Team loses to the Panthers.

Scenario 5: The Eagles and Cowboys tie, the Giants lose to the Ravens, and the Washington Football Team loses to the Panthers, but the Eagles win the tiebreaker over the Cowboys due to a better division record.

In order for any of these scenarios to happen, the Eagles need to take care of business on Sunday and beat the Cowboys. If they don’t, they will be eliminated from playoff contention.


Los Eagles se enfrentan a los Cowboys en Dallas este domingo, y el resultado del partido podría tener grandes implicaciones para la NFC East. Los Eagles están 7-7, mientras que los Cowboys están 6-8. Si los Eagles ganan, empatarían con los Cowboys en 7-7, mientras que los Cowboys quedarían eliminados. Si los Cowboys ganan, empatarían con los Eagles, mientras que los Eagles quedarían eliminados. Para los Eagles, todo se trata de ganar y esperar ayuda de otros equipos. Una derrota ante los Cowboys significaría el fin de las esperanzas de los Eagles de llegar a los playoffs.

Existen cinco escenarios en los que los Eagles pueden clasificarse para los playoffs en 2020. Para que cualquiera de estos escenarios suceda, los Eagles deben hacer su trabajo el domingo y vencer a los Cowboys. Si no lo hacen, quedarán eliminados de la disputa por los playoffs.

En conclusión, el acristalamiento de terrazas puede ser una excelente forma de disfrutar de un área al aire libre, sin la preocupación de la inclemencia del tiempo. Estos sistemas de acristalamiento se pueden diseñar para satisfacer los requisitos de cada cliente, permitiendo un área de descanso y relajación aislada pero a la vez conectada con el exterior. Agradecemos a todos los lectores por su tiempo y esperamos que hayan encontrado este artículo informativo y útil.